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UPDATE: Saturday, June 12, 2010      The Japan Times Weekly    2010年1月9日号 (バックナンバー)
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First the dodo ... are we next?

Because of the impact of climate change, many animal species are facing extinction. I wonder which animal species will be the next to appear on an endangered species list. If we continue to rest on our laurels and don't take effective actions to slow down increasing global warming, perhaps human beings will one day be on the list. Maybe I am worrying too much, but food and water shortages are becoming major problems in some parts of the world. No one wants to suffer from hunger or thirst. I think now is the time to think seriously about which resources are truly sustainable.

RIE SUZUKI, Toyota, Aichi Prefecture

Parents partly to blame for bad kids

The article "An education in violence" (Dec. 19 issue) caught my attention. In the article, the writer suggests that educators should help students find their way to sanity in today's society. I only partly agree with this assertion. I've noticed that in Japan schools are often blamed for students' behavior. However, before students ever go to school, they are under the tutelage and supervision of their parents.

Sadly, nowadays many parents shy away from such responsibilities and unnecessarily put their offspring into nursery schools when the children are only a few months old. If only more parents could understand that raising children is the most important job they could ever have and worth all the money they might earn. Children need parental love, guidance and understanding much more than brand-name clothes and expensive toys.

In my opinion, the most important question is: Are young mothers and fathers competent enough to fulfill such important responsibilities?

KATHARINA OKANO, Akiba, Chiba Prefecture

Stretching can help ease the pain

The article "Need a massage? Try a stretch" (Nov. 28 issue) was particularly timely for me. Because I have suffered from poor circulation for a long time, I have tried a variety of exercises to improve my condition. When I entered middle age, I began to suffer from muscle pain, hip pain and knee pain. A local orthopedic surgeon recommended that I do some moderate exercises and to always remember to stretch before exercising. Since then, I have tried to stretch on my own every day.

The stretching has helped to alleviate a lot of my pain and has improved my circulation. It also has helped me become more flexible and get better sleep at night. I highly recommend daily stretching and moderate exercise to any readers out there who may share similar ailments. I also recommend wearing impact-absorbing sneakers, as they have helped me as well.

YUKO MAMIYA, Kiryu, Gunma Prefecture

Thanks JT Weekly!

I really enjoy reading The Japan Times Weekly. It has really helped me improve my English skills. Because of this, I often recommend The Weekly to my friends who also are learning English. I find that the articles in your publication are very timely and interesting. In fact, I have trouble reading newspapers in Japanese nowadays because I'd rather read The Weekly. I'd like to say a big "thank you" to all of the writers and editors!

MAMI SASA, Saitama, Saitama Prefecture

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The Japan Times Weekly: Jan. 9, 2010
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