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UPDATE: Saturday, June 12, 2010      The Japan Times Weekly    2009年11月7日号 (バックナンバー)
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Fathers' rights should be considered

It's good for Foreign Minister Katsuya Okada to say that officials are reviewing the 1980 Hague Convention. Moreover, "Divorced fathers fight for right to see children," from the Oct. 17 issue is a good topic to consider.

In Japan, it's common for children whose parents have divorced or separated to live with their mothers. Now that people of many nationalities are living in Japan, it's necessary for us to continue to consider this issue.

I know a boy who lives with his mother, a divorcee, and sees his father from time to time. The boy always looks forward to seeing his father. Through the boy, I have learned that he loves his parents equally despite occasional noisy arguments and other disagreements. As a consequence of putting the issue aside, more and more fathers and children are having difficulties. I hope government officials will work on this issue and find a solution as soon as possible.

HIROKO SEKI, Kuki, Saitama Prefecture

Abduction issue underreported

I read To Tell the Truth, the autobiography of Charles Jenkins, a few years ago. Recently, I read your article on Mr. Jenkins ("Past haunts Charles Jenkins in new home" Sept. 12) and felt closer to Mr. Jenkins afterward. I also saw a documentary film titled, Abduction: The Megumi Yokata Story in 2007 at a local city hall.

Japanese abductees living in North Korea have been waiting for us to help them return home for over 30 years. I hope the media will take up this issue and regularly report it overseas in English. I really hope that people around the world will be concerned about the issue and that the new Japanese government will take actions to save the abduction victims as soon as possible.

YUKO MAMIYA, Kiryu, Gunma Prefecture

Brazil a wise Olympic choice

Brazil was recently chosen as the site of the 2016 Olympics. I think this is a valid decision that anyone can understand, but there are some questions that go along with it. Brazil is the first location in South America to have been chosen as a host, but it seems as it was chosen without having put together an Olympic committee or any kind of similar organization.

Locations like Chicago and Madrid, which lost despite pouring mountains of money into the project, have nothing left but wasted effort. I hope future Olympic hosts will be chosen in order from each of the five continents equally.


Will N. Koreans embrace fast food?

I found the article "North Koreans getting first 'taste' of the West" (Oct. 17) very interesting. In North Korea, fast-food restaurants are now in vogue. This situation reminds me of my childhood, when McDonald's first came to Japan. Many people got excited and rushed to McDonald's to experience the taste of Western-style food, despite the relatively high price.

However, as time has passed, the situation has changed. Fast-food restaurants are not as attractive as they once were and are branded as unhealthy. I think there is a good chance that fast food could succeed in North Korea. But for now I'll wait and see.

SAYUMI WATANABE, Shikokuchuo, Ehime Prefecture

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The Japan Times Weekly: Nov. 7, 2009
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