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UPDATE: Saturday, June 12, 2010      The Japan Times Weekly    2008年1月19日号 (バックナンバー)
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Sino-Indian ties strengthened after visit

China and India ramped up trade and military links as their leaders sought to portray the two Asian powerhouses as complementary neighbors rather than rivals.

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, on a three-day China visit, met President Hu Jintao and the ruling Communist Party's No. 2 ranking official, Wu Bangguo, on Jan. 15.

Following talks Jan. 14 in Beijing, the two signed a document setting out their shared vision for future ties, and reiterated their commitment to resolving the boundary dispute that sparked a short but bloody border war in 1962.

Wen and Singh told media they had set a new target for two-way trade to reach $60 billion by 2010, up $20 billion from the original goal.

The Japan Times Weekly: Jan. 19, 2008
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