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UPDATE: Saturday, June 12, 2010      The Japan Times Weekly    2005年3月5日号 (バックナンバー)
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Suspected BTK serial killer arrested

Dennis Rader
It took 31 years and countless clues delivered by the killer, but Feb. 26 jubilant Wichita, Kansas, police named Dennis Rader, a Lutheran church leader and government inspector, as the notorious BTK strangler, a poetry-writing attention-seeker who murdered at least 10 people and dared the authorities to catch him.

BTK -- for "Bind, Torture, Kill" -- always said in his taunting messages that he wanted national attention and a catchy, tough-guy nickname. He became so audacious that he once called 911 to report a murder he had committed and strangled a neighbor who lived just six doors away.

BTK had a history of writing letters to police and news organizations, sometimes mailing them, other times leaving them in public library books.

"I can't stop it so the monster goes on and hurts me as well as society," he wrote after the early killings. "It's a big complicated game my friend the monster play, putting victims number down, follow them, checking up on them, waiting in the dark, waiting, waiting."

The Japan Times Weekly: March 5, 2005
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