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UPDATE: Saturday, June 12, 2010      The Japan Times Weekly    2005年3月5日号 (バックナンバー)
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Bombing, Sharon threaten peace talks

Ariel Sharon
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon threatened Feb. 27 to suspend peace talks and escalate military operations unless Palestinian authorities act swiftly to destroy militant groups behind attacks, including a suicide bombing Feb. 25 that killed five people outside a waterfront nightclub in Tel Aviv.

The bombing shattered two weeks of relative calm since Sharon and the Palestinian leader, Mahmoud Abbas, agreed to a truce. Abbas had sought to win agreement from militant groups to observe a cease-fire.

Islamic Jihad, a militant group with leadership based in Lebanon and Syria, claimed responsibility for the Tel Aviv bombing.

Sharon said he was certain that Islamic Jihad leaders in Syria had ordered the attack. Still, Sharon said, the Palestinian Authority was not absolved of responsibility, and its "immediate test" is to crack down on members of Islamic Jihad.

"Israel has been showing restraint to facilitate progress, however, it is clear that if the Palestinians do not begin to take vigorous action against terrorism, Israel will be compelled to step up military activity that is designed to protect the lives of Israeli citizens," Sharon said. "I re-emphasize that there will be no diplomatic progress as long as the Palestinians do not act in accordance with their commitments and eliminate the terrorist organizations."

The Japan Times Weekly: March 5, 2005
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