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UPDATE: Saturday, June 12, 2010      The Japan Times Weekly    2004年3月27日号 (バックナンバー)
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Chen offers recount carrot

Chen Shui-bian
Taiwan's governing party proposed March 23 resolving the dispute over President Chen Shui-bian's narrow re-election victory by passing new legislation that would allow an immediate recount of the March 20 vote.

But opposition lawmakers who hold a slim majority in the legislature quickly dismissed the proposal, saying it was unnecessary because the government could order an immediate recount without the legislation.

Challenger Lien Chan alleges that the election was marred by irregularities. He has suggested that a mysterious shooting that lightly wounded the incumbent one day before the polls may have been staged to gain sympathy votes that tipped the balance.

Taiwan's courts have said it could take up to six months to respond to Lien's demand for a recount and his attempt to nullify the election.

Chen's Democratic Progressive Party proposed an amendment to the presidential election law that would trigger a recount when a candidate wins by less than 1 percent of the votes. The party said the law could be applied retroactively to the March 20 election, and that it would call for a recount within seven days after the election.

The Japan Times Weekly: March 27, 2004
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