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UPDATE: Saturday, June 12, 2010      The Japan Times Weekly    2004年3月13日号 (バックナンバー)
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Martha Stewart found guilty

Martha Stewart
Martha Stewart, one of the most famous self-made women in America, who created a multimillion-dollar empire devoted to improving the quality of home life, was convicted by a federal jury in Manhattan, New York, on March 5 on all charges stemming from her December 2001 ImClone stock sale.

Stewart, 62, was convicted of conspiracy, obstruction and two counts of lying to investigators.

Her former broker, Peter Bacanovic, 42, was convicted of conspiring with Stewart, committing perjury before the Securities and Exchange Commission, obstruction and making false statements to investigators. The government accused Bacanovic of tipping off Stewart that ImClone founder Sam Waksal was dumping his stock Dec. 27, 2001, a day before a government announcement sent the stock's price plummeting.

Each of the four charges Stewart was convicted of carries a statutory term of up to five years in prison and fines of up to $250,000. Under federal sentencing guidelines, however, it is likely she will face a lesser term when she is sentenced June 17, a little more than a year after she was indicted.

(A sacred cow on Page 18)

The Japan Times Weekly: March 13, 2003
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