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UPDATE: Saturday, June 12, 2010      The Japan Times Weekly    2004年1月17日号 (バックナンバー)
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Saddam declared a POW

The United States has formally declared Saddam Hussein, held by U.S. forces since his Dec. 13 capture, an enemy prisoner of war, the Pentagon said Jan. 9, and the International Committee of the Red Cross has asked to see Iraq's former president as soon as possible.

The Pentagon's first official statement about the 66-year-old captive's legal status means Saddam is due a host of rights spelled out by the Geneva Convention on treatment of POWs.

Air Force Maj. Michael Shavers, a Pentagon spokesman, said Saddam was being given all the rights due him under the treaty.

"Saddam Hussein was the leader of the old regime's military forces, and therefore he was a member of the military, and he was captured. That makes him an enemy prisoner of war," Shavers said.

"It's unusual that you have such a high-ranking enemy prisoner of war. So I think we just wanted to make sure that we had carefully thought through all the ramifications."

The Japan Times Weekly: Jan. 17, 2004
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