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UPDATE: Saturday, June 12, 2010      The Japan Times Weekly    2008年4月5日号 (バックナンバー)
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Opposition scuttles gasoline tax

Japan's opposition party effectively scuttled a long-standing gasoline tax March 31 in a move that was expected to lead to big price cuts at the pumps but that the ruling party claims will also punch a large hole in government revenues.

Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda, who had fought for the tax, slammed the opposition Democratic Party of Japan for acting irresponsibly and not offering a viable source of alternative revenues.

"I am very disappointed we could not avoid creating confusion to people's lives," he said at a news conference. "I apologize for this situation."

The showdown over the tax, which expired April 1, has dominated headlines for more than a month. After the tax expires, the gasoline tax will be lowered by about ¥25 per liter from ¥53.8 yen per liter, according to the Finance Ministry.

The Japan Times Weekly: April 5, 2008
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