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UPDATE: Saturday, June 12, 2010      The Japan Times Weekly    2008年3月1日号 (バックナンバー)
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Aneha's five-year sentence confirmed

The Supreme Court has upheld lower court rulings sentencing disgraced architect Hidetsugu Aneha to five years in prison and a fine of ¥1.8 million for fabricating building earthquake-resistance data and perjury, judicial sources said Feb. 21.

Among six people indicted over the fabrication incident, Aneha, 50, is the first facing real prison time. Four others have been convicted over their involvement.

The Tokyo High Court in November ruled that Aneha falsified building structure data for six buildings, during a two-year period through February 2005.

He was also convicted of making false testimony before the House of Representatives Land, Infrastructure and Transport Committee in December 2005 over how he started engaging in the fabrication process.

The Japan Times Weekly: March 1, 2008
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