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UPDATE: Saturday, June 12, 2010      The Japan Times Weekly    2008年8月9日号 (バックナンバー)
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Doha round talks fall apart over food concerns from developing countries
(From The Japan Times August 2 issue)



For seven years, international negotiators have struggled to reach agreement on a deal that would lower barriers to trade and investment. At the end of July, they held a round of talks that was widely considered "do or die." Failure to conclude a deal was likely to kill the effort.

The threat of collapse did not spur negotiators toward compromise. After nine days of intense discussions, the talks ended without agreement. The global trade order continues, but great damage has been done.

Launched in 2001 in Doha, Qatar, this round of talks was intended to address the concerns of developing states; they complained that previous rounds focused on developed country priorities. Topping their list of concerns was access to agriculture markets in the developed world, one area in which the world's poorest countries can compete but are often denied the opportunity as a result of protectionism.

Those political barriers have proven formidable. Discussions broke off at a ministerial meeting in Cancun, Mexico, in 2003, in Hong Kong in 2005, in Geneva a year later and in Potsdam, Germany, last year. Skeptics point out that each of those meetings was "do or die" for the Doha round, yet each failed and discussions continued.

Japan's government is in no position to make important concessions on agriculture, and neither is that of India — a key developing nation — that will hold elections next year. Europe is not united when it comes to concessions on agriculture.

Unsurprisingly, the nine days of talks failed to produce an agreement. After getting pledges from the United States to cap support for American farmers — Europe and Japan would be expected to follow suit — many thought a deal was in reach. But developing countries then introduced a new obstacle: Ironically, they expressed the wish to protect their agriculture sectors from foreign competition. They want to be able to implement safeguard measures that would keep their farmers from being overwhelmed in the event of import surges.

Developed countries protested that such measures are not allowed under current trade rules and permitting them would constitute a step backward.

Apart from the particulars of the disagreement, the dispute reflects fundamental changes in that way international trade negotiations occur. First, there is the sheer size of such negotiations. There are now 153 members in the World Trade Organization (WTO). That makes talks messy and drawn out: A few members cannot make deals on behalf of the whole.

Second, and more important, is the assertiveness of emerging economies. China and India in particular are increasingly vocal in these talks. Openness and integration into the global economy have given them new clout in trade negotiations and they have not been reluctant to use it. That is not to say such behavior is unjustified: All governments should assert their interests in such negotiations. But their new strength changes their perspective on the value of such talks. Delhi and Beijing may now prefer bilateral negotiations in which they can even more aggressively press their interests. In other words, their commitment to multilateralism may be flagging — at least once their other concerns have been addressed.

Meanwhile, governments will move forward with bilateral and regional trade deals. That has the potential to create a patchwork of trade rules and to introduce distortions in trade relationships. This will make it harder for companies to operate in various markets, and deny producers in poorer and weaker nations the opportunities to do business. Economists estimate the failure to reach agreement could cost hundreds of billions of dollars in lost economic growth. That does not include the potential impact of a rise in protectionist sentiment as economic woes spread. And prospects for other multilateral agreements, such as those dealing with climate change and energy security, are likely to be impacted by the failure to conclude a trade deal. Even if Doha is not dead, great damage has been done.

The Japan Times Weekly: August 9, 2008
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