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UPDATE: Saturday, June 12, 2010      The Japan Times Weekly    2008年3月15日号 (バックナンバー)
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A contest for new leadership
(From The Japan Times March 9 issue)



The Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama competition has gripped the attention of the world. And for good reason. The result is likely to affect the future course of global politics. A clear victor is not yet decided, but whoever ultimately wins, the shift in consciousness both candidates embody is important to consider. The widespread and continued interest in their dynamic race shows how political attitudes can be rejuvenated and how the impact of powerful countries can be changed for the better.

One sign of change is that voter turnout in America is higher than at any time since 1972, when 18-year-olds got the right to vote. In some states, increases of 30 percent to 50 percent over 2000 and 2004 show that American voters want to express their opinions. Equally important are the donations, which stand at record numbers. The cash flow is not a worsening of money-based politics, but rather the donations streaming in from people with small pocketbooks show their concerns over the future of the country. People are becoming involved at last.

The race has also gained attention around the world. Every country in the world is paying close attention to the results. This election, unlike any other before, is not just about what happens in America, but what will happen in the world. Politics can no longer be considered simply a local affair, or even just a national one. American politics especially has become an international affair. Actions taken on everything from subprime mortgages to the Iraq war and energy usage have effects that extend far across national borders. These two candidates know their campaigns are taking place concurrently in local precincts and on the global stage.

Most of what has drawn so much attention is the vision of politics the candidates hold. Obama offers hope and dreams while Clinton relies more on practicalities and policies. Both are needed, but in recent years the charisma of someone like Obama has been less in evidence than the everyday levelheadedness of Clinton. Despite their differences, both candidates offer a more up-to-date view of the problems and responsibilities of the United States. Whether discussing Iraq or international relations, both candidates offer a confident, flexible mind-set unafraid to confront realities. That idealistic vision and practical mind-set has been missing during the eight years of the Bush administration. It is nice to see it return.

Both candidates are also clear about how to lead. The overused term "leadership" starts to sound like a cliche after even a couple of campaign speeches, but what makes this race refreshing is that such terms are starting to carry meaning. What is most striking is less the fact that these primaries are the closest any woman or African-American has ever gotten to the presidency in America, but rather that both candidates articulate their political character in terms of action and change. They have moved beyond who they are to what the political debate should be. They put forward a new concept of the presidency, one that is not defensive or secretive but open-minded and filled with a can-do spirit.

People want leaders who offer hope for improvement. Those are the kinds of feelings at the basis of a truly participatory democracy. The result of poor leadership is not just mismanagement and bad decisions, but widespread apathy. Leadership is not simply about governing, but how to inspire. It is often said that people campaign in poetry and govern in prose. What has been lacking in America's recent leadership is the ability to balance the two. True leadership combines the prose of seasoned understanding with the poetry of energy and vision.

One hopes that the huge interest in this election may be permanent. Up to now, America's indifference to its own power has seemed adolescent at times, an attitude that can become dangerously irresponsible. The interest from outside the United States in this election is equally important. It reminds U.S. citizens how serious the privilege of exercising democratic rights and enjoying freedoms really is. Indifference is infectious, and infections are international. Enthusiasm and awareness can be even easier to catch. Voters around the world can learn a lesson from this Obama and Clinton contest: Participation, attention and concern matter deeply.

This American election is chronicling more than just the political pendulum swinging back from excesses in one direction to recovery in the other. When any pendulum swings, it can knock over plenty of people in its path. The results will, as always, be mixed. Yet, Japan and the world should continue to pay close attention to what happens in this crucial election, not only to discover the final result, but also to understand better how politics is being redefined, and seemingly for the better.

The Japan Times Weekly: March 15, 2008
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