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Raul won't change Cuba
(From The Japan Times Feb. 26 issue)



Fidel Castro, one of the world's longest tenured leaders, resigned in February. His decision to step down, long anticipated, opens a period of uncertainty for Cuba, but hopes for sweeping change are muted. Mr. Castro's brother, Raul, was voted to succeed him by Cuba's National Assembly Feb. 24. While the younger Castro is thought to be a reformer, there is little chance that he would undo his brother's socialist legacy. Yet Cuba has more options than before. The world should encourage its new leaders to make the right choices.

Like many revolutionaries, Mr. Fidel Castro came from a wealthy family. His father was an affluent sugar farmer, yet he still took to the hills to lead a ragtag rebel movement that overthrew dictator Fulgencio Batista on Jan. 1, 1959, ushering in an age of socialism that has persisted for nearly five decades.

In Mr. Castro's Cuba, there was free education and health care for all, raising literacy to unprecedented levels and ending hunger. Practicing socialist solidarity, Cuba provided assistance in the form of doctors and technical know-how to other developing countries.

Although revolutionary Cuba did not identify itself as a member of the Soviet bloc from the first, Mr. Castro's spirited defiance of the United States? won him backers among the left around the world. In April 1961, armed Cuban exiles trained by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency unsuccessfully attempted to invade Cuba. Mr. Castro's defiance of the United States also brought the world to the brink of a nuclear confrontation in 1962 舒 one between the United States and the Soviet Union over missile bases being built by the Soviet Union in Cuba.

Mr. Castro used the United States as a foil to buttress his popular appeal. For those less enamored with his leadership, he made ample use of a secret police force and the fierce suppression of any form of dissent. Political opponents languish in jail and information is restricted. Mr. Castro and his followers blamed the U.S. embargo for the poverty in Cuba, but the truth is Mr. Castro's policies were the source of the hardship that dominates daily life in his country.

Mr. Castro has not appeared in public since intestinal surgery 19 months ago. His brother was named interim leader when his medical condition deteriorated, and most observers saw that time as a transition period to prepare for the handover. In fact, Mr. Castro's resignation letter to his people, published on the front page of the Communist Party newspaper, did not endorse his brother to succeed him. Yet Raul remains popular among the military, a key constituency in Cuba, and has successfully steered the country during his brother's convalescence.

Observers are banking on change from a new administration. Mr. Raul Castro is far less charismatic than his brother and most observers expect some form of committee rule. As a lifelong military man, Mr. Raul Castro is sensitive to bureaucratic efficiency. He is thought to favor economic reform: He is the author of liberalization measures taken in the aftermath of the collapse of the Soviet Union, when Cuba lost its primary patron, and comments during his 19 months as interim leader suggest that he will continue those efforts to open the economy.

Liberalization will have its limits, however. Economic difficulties in the 1990s forced Mr. Raul Castro to trim the size of the military. Many of his top soldiers were transformed into businessmen, and they now dominate the most lucrative parts of the economy. By one estimate, Mr. Castro and his colleagues control some 60 percent of the Cuban economy. Reform is unlikely to challenge their grip on these sectors.

Nor for that matter is political liberalization in the cards. There is no indication that Mr. Raul Castro is prepared to tolerate any more opposition than did his brother. Indeed, he has praised the Chinese model of economic development, which strictly separates the two fields. Authoritarianism, even if by committee, is likely to continue.

Nor is there much chance of a new opening to the United States. Opposition to Washington has been a rallying point for the Havana regime and provided a handy scapegoat for the hardships that dominate daily life. But those policies are more than a cover for economic incompetence: Both Castros and their colleagues have lived their lives in defiance of the United States and see it as an instrument to return an old, corrupt and discredited order.

Their revolution continues to burn brightly. And Mr. Fidel Castro has signaled that he may be handing over the presidency, but he is not giving up all his power. He will continue to exercise considerable influence behind the scenes. Despite a historic change in Cuba, there is much that will remain the same.

The Japan Times Weekly: March 1, 2008
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