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UPDATE: Saturday, June 12, 2010      The Japan Times Weekly    2008年1月26日号 (バックナンバー)
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Policy speech shows Fukuda has good ideas, but will they translate to action?
(From The Japan Times Jan. 20 issue)



In his second policy speech before the Diet, Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda made clear that his administration has abandoned the basic policy line of his predecessor, Mr. Shinzo Abe, who called for a "departure from the postwar regime" and constitutional revisions. Symbolically, Mr. Fukuda did not use the word "reform," a catchword used by Mr. Abe and his predecessor, Mr. Junichiro Koizumi. Instead, his speech used the word "people" 48 times and the word "environment" 23 times.

Mr. Fukuda accurately grasps the people's political sentiment. He listed strengthening the economy and measures to deal with the low birthrate among important issues. But it is questionable whether he can display the strong leadership and political skills needed to implement concrete measures that can solve these problems at a time when the Upper House is controlled by the opposition forces, and whether he can distinguish his policy line from that of the Democratic Party of Japan, the leading opposition party, whose slogan is "People's Lives Come First."

Presenting an antithesis to the market principle-oriented policy line pushed by Mr. Koizumi and Mr. Abe, Mr. Fukuda said that a system to neutralize public anxiety about the future should be established, and an economic system must be constructed that allows everyone to enjoy its fruits.

With regard to the rates of gasoline and other road-related taxes, which will become a hot political issue, Mr. Fukuda proposed maintaining them at current levels. The DPJ calls for reducing them to lower gasoline prices. Mr. Fukuda said that maintaining the tax rates at current levels is necessary to secure funds to improve roads, reduce congestion and deal with global warming.

Mr. Fukuda also called for the "realization of a low-carbon society." Japan is hosting the G-8 summit of industrialized nations this summer and there the fight against global warming is expected to be the top agenda.

The reality, however, is that Japan will unlikely be able to achieve the 6 percent emission cut from the 1990 baseline as required by the Kyoto Protocol. Mr. Fukuda's proposals and pledges will lose credibility if Japan fails to fulfill its Kyoto obligation.

Mr. Fukuda said that the social security system (including pensions) and measures to cope with the declining birthrate are issues that affect all the people. He stressed the importance of securing stable revenues to make the social security system sustainable. But he neglected to propose what changes should be made to the tax system, including the consumption tax, to secure such funds. He only said that he will convene a "People's Conference on Social Security" to discuss the future ideal shape of social security, the government's role in society security and who should pay how much. He also called on the political parties to frankly discuss these matters.

In the defense field, Mr. Fukuda called for the creation of a Japan that will cooperate with other countries in promoting peace. Specifically, he said that he will consider a permanent law that will enable overseas deployment of the Self-Defense Forces to "implement international peace cooperation activities effectively." Careful discussions must be held in considering such a law because it could undermine the Constitution's prohibition of the use of force to settle international disputes.

The Japan Times Weekly: Jan. 26, 2008
(C) All rights reserved





京都議定書で約束したように1990年のレベルから温室効果ガスを6 % 削減するのは、難しそうだ。もし実現できなければ、福田氏の提案、約束は信頼を失う。




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