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UPDATE: Saturday, June 12, 2010      The Japan Times Weekly    2007年12月22日号 (バックナンバー)
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Good news about Iran
(From The Japan Times Dec. 12 issue)



In executing three death-row inmates earlier this month, the Justice Ministry made public their names, the crimes they were convicted of and the locations of the executions. This break with its secrecy policy has slightly improved transparency in the nation's capital punishment system. This trend should not be reversed.

Until 1998, the ministry kept mum about executions. Only that year, it started announcing the number of those hanged, though other information was withheld. But because an error in capital punishment is irreparable, the public must be fully informed concerning any implementation of the death penalty.

The minimum that the justice minister, who signs approvals for executions, must do is explain how he or she has been convinced that death-row inmates have not been falsely accused and that mistrials are impossible.

In mid-November, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution calling for a moratorium on executions in order to abolish the death penalty. According to Amnesty International, 90 nations and regions had abolished capital punishment as of October. Among the industrialized countries, only Japan and the United States have the death penalty.

The government and the public must pay attention to the fact that atrocious crimes continue to be committed. Respect for human life apparently has diminished and mammonism is becoming strong. The Japanese must give priority to efforts to rebuild the moral fibers of society.

The Japan Times Weekly: Dec. 22, 2007
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