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UPDATE: Saturday, June 12, 2010      The Japan Times Weekly    2007年12月15日号 (バックナンバー)
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Good news about Iran
(From The Japan Times Dec. 9 issue)



In a sharp and striking reversal, the U.S. intelligence community has concluded that Iran has stopped work on its suspected nuclear weapons program. This revelation contrasts with the Bush administration's recent rhetoric warning that Iran's determination to develop a nuclear weapon could spark a war, and it has raised questions — again — about the administration's credibility.

Yet even if the threat has been exaggerated, the prospect of proliferation is no less real. The danger is that a more accurate assessment of the Iranian nuclear threat could diminish international vigilance against this danger.

A National Intelligence Estimate represents the consensus view of the 16 U.S. intelligence agencies on critical national security questions. While such judgments are inherently uncertain — they are based on data of unknown accuracy — they have become controversial in the aftermath of the Iraq war, which had been supported — wrongly — by an NIE conclusion that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.

The last NIE on Iran's nuclear weapons capability was completed in 2005. It had "high confidence that Iran currently is determined to have nuclear weapons." But a new review, based on new intelligence, has reversed course. It concludes that Iran stopped work on that suspected nuclear weapons program more than four years ago.

Now, there is "high confidence" that efforts to build a nuclear weapon were suspended in 2003 and "moderate confidence" that the program has remained inactive since then. The NIE also concluded that it would take seven or eight years to produce enough highly enriched uranium to make a weapon if the program resumed and it expressed doubt over whether Iran even "currently intends to develop nuclear weapons."

That judgment is the result of an 18-month process that yielded a 150-page classified document based on 1,000 pieces of evidence. There was considerable new intelligence, including telephone intercepts of Iranian military officials complaining about the program's suspension. Reportedly, hardliners in the U.S. administration resisted the new conclusions, arguing the data could be disinformation; a rigorous review and testing process delayed publication of the NIE.

Critics note that only months ago U. S. President George W. Bush was warning that Iran's nuclear ambitions could spark World War III. When accused of exaggerating the threat, the president said he was not aware of the NIE's conclusions until only a week before. Mr. Bush also insisted that the new NIE actually supports his policies rather than undercuts them: Its conclusions indicate with more certainty than its predecessor that Iran had a covert nuclear weapons program — which could be restarted — and that Tehran's determination to pursue uranium enrichment for a civilian nuclear energy program could be diverted to a clandestine one if desired.

There is a temptation to leap to the conclusion that the revised NIE means that nuclear proliferation is not a real danger. That logic is seductive, but wrong. North Korea is proof enough that the nuclear temptation persists. (There is another dilemma for critics of U.S. policy: The Iraq intelligence fiasco suggests that any NIE should be treated with some skepticism. If the United States was wrong then, it could also be wrong now.)

The complexities of the negotiations with North Korea are also proof that containing the nuclear genie requires a broad-based approach that addresses all the dimensions of the proliferation challenge, in particular, why governments seek such weapons.

The NIE reasons that Iran's leaders are susceptible to international pressure, arguing that Tehran's decisions are guided by a "cost-benefit approach" rather than by a desire to rush development of a weapon irrespective of the political, economic and military costs. That suggests that the world should not use the NIE as an excuse for ending scrutiny of Iranian programs. Rather, the NIE supports the International Atomic Energy Agency's conclusion that there is still time for a negotiated solution to this situation. It backs a nuanced strategy of sticks and carrots that responds to the needs of all parties to the negotiations.

The new NIE is good news. The conclusion that Iran has put aside its nuclear ambitions is welcome. The world needs less nuclear powers, not more. It also suggests that diplomacy is still a viable option. This is not the time to turn our attention from Iran; it is an opportunity to step up negotiations with more awareness of the stakes and the respective positions of both sides.

The Japan Times Weekly: Dec. 15, 2007
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