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UPDATE: Saturday, June 12, 2010      The Japan Times Weekly    2007年2月24日号 (バックナンバー)
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Feb. 24, 2007

Breakthrough with N. Korea
(From The Japan Times Feb. 15 issue)



    After tumultuous negotiations, the six-party talks reached agreement on a deal that would end North Korea's nuclear-weapons program and end the country's international isolation. The agreement took 3 1/2 years to conclude, during which the North exploded a nuclear weapon. There is no guarantee that the deal will be implemented; history provides little grounds for optimism. But the agreement is an important first step, and all nations must work hard to ensure that all the commitments are honored.

    The six-party talks have been fitful. There were high hopes in September 2005 when the fourth round of talks produced a declaration that identified basic principles for a deal. The Sept. 19 Joint Statement stipulated that the six parties should take coordinated steps to implement their agreement in a phased manner and in line with the principle of "commitment for commitment, action for action." Yet the very day after the declaration was released, North Korea and the United States showed deep disagreement about the terms of that agreement, its requirements and the process by which it would unfold.

    That divide was complicated by the imposition of financial sanctions by the U.S. on North Korean companies accused of involvement in the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery and money laundering and counterfeiting of U.S. currency. For Pyongyang, those steps confirmed "the hostile policy of the U.S." toward North Korea and its view that Washington was not negotiating in good faith. North Korea insisted that the sanctions had to be lifted before the six-party talks could resume, and demanded direct bilateral talks with the U.S. Washington argued the issues were separate, but it was prepared to address them within the context of the six-party talks.

    North Korea's Oct. 9 nuclear test underscored the urgency of resuming negotiations. Washington and Pyongyang held bilateral discussions -- "within the context of the six-party talks" -- and the larger sessions resumed. After one break, the six agreed to a proposal revealed at the recent talks.

    The agreement calls for the North to shut down and seal its main nuclear reactor, including the reprocessing facility, and invite International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors back in to conduct all necessary monitoring and verification as agreed in the past.

    In addition, the North will provide a list of all its nuclear programs that it will abandon. In exchange, the U.S. and North Korea will start talks aimed at moving toward full diplomatic normalization of relations; a first step includes removing Pyongyang from the list of state sponsors of terrorism.

    Japan and North Korea will also start bilateral talks aimed at normalizing their relationship in accordance with the 2002 Pyongyang Declaration and "on the basis of the settlement of the unfortunate past and the outstanding issues of concerns." That includes compensation for the colonization of North Korea and accounting of abductees. The directly related parties will negotiate a permanent peace regime on the Korean Peninsula "at an appropriate separate forum."

    None of this is free. The North will receive economic, energy and humanitarian assistance. For a start, in the next 60 days, Pyongyang will receive 50,000 tons of heavy fuel oil, the first tranche of an eventual 1 million tons of heavy fuel oil. This is estimated to be equivalent to more than two-thirds of North Korea's entire oil consumption in 2004.

    This deal holds out the tantalizing prospect of a new relationship between North Korea and the world. If carried through, it would not only cap, but roll back North Korea's nuclear-weapons program as it aims at denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula.

    That is a big "if." The North's record of compliance is poor; its alleged cheating on the 1994 Agreed Framework created a crisis that led to the six-party talks. Suspicions have already been raised by Pyongyang's announcement that it is only temporarily suspending operations at its nuclear facilities.

    Japan has been continually frustrated by North Korea's failure to provide a full accounting of the abductees as demanded by the Pyongyang Declaration. For its part, North Korea is convinced that it has honored its obligations and its partners deserve the blame for the failure of previous agreements; Pyongyang may be paranoid but that does not make its perceptions any less real.

    Progress will be slow and difficult, with all sides eager to see fault in its partners' behavior. Negotiation and implementation of the deal itself is going to be a confidence-building process. Hardliners in three key capitals -- Tokyo, Pyongyang and Washington -- oppose any deal and will do their best to scuttle it. Their efforts will confirm the views of their like-minded counterparts that their partners cannot be trusted and the deal is worthless. They are wrong.

The Japan Times Weekly: Feb. 24, 2007
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