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UPDATE: Saturday, June 12, 2010      The Japan Times Weekly    2004年7月17日号 (バックナンバー)
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July 17, 2004

School reform in perspective



There is something disquieting about moves by the governing Liberal-Democratic Party and New Komeito to rewrite the Fundamental Law of Education. In an interim report, the LDP emphasizes the importance of cultivating "love of country," meaning patriotism. Komeito uses a different phrase: "respect for country."

The report, quoting from existing law, says education is aimed at "character building." It lists new targets, such as "respect for tradition and culture," "enhancing the public spirit" and "cultivating an attitude of participating voluntarily in society's formation and development." Patriotism is described as "loving (or respecting) the country."

Current law, established in 1947, is based on the idea that education is aimed primarily at serving the needs of the individual. Character building is posited as a basis for the development of a democratic society. By contrast, the report emphasizes the need to develop the "public spirit (or sense of public duty)." It makes no mention of key phrases in existing law, such as "individual value" and "voluntary spirit." The underlying assumption seems to be that undue respect for "individual dignity" is responsible for juvenile crime.

Referring to the June 1 slashing death of an elementary school girl in Sasebo City, Nagasaki Prefecture, former Economy, Trade and Industry Minister Takeo Hiranuma said, "Respect for individual dignity is going too far, leading to a chaotic situation such as lethal violence among students." He called for a revision of the education law. The statement seemed irresponsible, coming at a time when people were thinking hard about the causes of the killing and as a family court was about to begin a psychological examination of the girl who committed the crime. There is little doubt, though, that it reflected a political climate in favor of amending the law.

An argument like Mr. Hiranuma's seems detached from the realities surrounding schoolchildren. Analyses by family courts and others of vicious juvenile crimes committed in the past show that the offenders "blew up" because they lacked the experience of being accepted as individuals and, consequently, a positive sense of self.

It is worrying that the governing parties are trying to incorporate "morals" in the education charter. For example, referring to family education, the report says "parents should strive toward the sound development of their children."

Of course parents have a duty to raise emotionally and physically sound children, but this is not something that can be imposed by law. Parents may abuse their children in an excessive attempt to teach "manners" or because of an overwhelming sense of duty to bring them up properly. A legal prescription of family education may exacerbate the plight of such parents.

Caution is in order regarding respect for "tradition and culture," and the emphasis on "love of country." Both could compromise "freedom of mind." It is not right for the state to impose its definition of a concept on the public. As for equal opportunity of education, it is worrisome that the report makes no mention of this. Existing law says no one should be discriminated against because of his or her economic status.

Another concern is the emphasis on the role of the state in educational administration. Before and during World War II, education was controlled by the state. That is why the existing law calls for autonomy in education and limits the role of administration.

The report, however, leaves room for active and open intervention in the contents of education. Education should be administered, it says, "through role sharing and mutual cooperation between central and local governments." One wonders whether that is another way of saying that education should serve the needs of the state, not the individual. If so, the statement runs counter to contemporary expectations for an education system that encourages resourcefulness and ingenuity in school, and that gives full play to regional features and characteristics.

Education imposed from above is not likely to help "problem children." Grown-ups need to heed a distress message emanating from them: They are yearning to get the attention they deserve. The right approach is to respect them as individuals, not to change legal wording.

The Japan Times Weekly
July 17, 2004
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      1947年に成立した教育基本法は、教育は個人の価値を尊び、人格の形成は民主的社会の基礎と位置づけている。報告は公共の精神を強調する一方で、 現行法で重要な要素である 「個人の価値」、「自発的精神」などには触れていない。







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