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UPDATE: Saturday, June 12, 2010      The Japan Times Weekly    2004年6月19日号 (バックナンバー)
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June 19, 2004

What was the girl thinking?



Many people must have been lost for words when they heard that a sixth-grade elementary-school girl in Sasebo, Nagasaki Prefecture, had been slashed in the neck and killed by a classmate. The incident took place during lunch break in a study room at the school -- the last place one would expect such a tragedy to occur.

It has been reported that the two girls had corresponded via the Internet and that trouble arose between them over something that at least one of them had written on a Web site. We need to get as close as possible to the truth about the motive for the attack.

One clue, albeit a small one, is that the attacker was carrying the box cutter in her pencil case. Possibly she felt too weak to face up to the other girl without it, or she might have felt enmity toward, or frustration with, the children around her. Perhaps she saw the cutter as a kind of talisman to make up for psychological problems.

Past incidents involving juveniles often have thrown the spotlight on the age of 17. In 1997, though, a 14-year-old boy murdered two children in Kobe, Hyogo Prefecture. Then there was the case in Nagasaki last year, in which a 12-year-old boy killed a kindergarten child. This time the perpetrator is an 11-year-old girl. One common thread in all of these cases is that they have involved young people in the emotionally turbulent age of puberty.

The question that should be explored most carefully in this case is: Why did the girl give vent to her impulses in such a way? One of the most important issues for youngsters in the age of puberty is learning how to control their impulses and emotions through communication with others. Yet it is only when they meet other people on whom they can depend that children begin to safely communicate and learn to control their impulses. Children who do not have this base of trust are unable to properly gauge their distance from others and tend to become isolated.

For a child who constantly feels pushed into a corner, even a trivial argument or misunderstanding can seem like a matter of life and death. Another aspect of this case that should not be overlooked is that the girls were corresponding over the Internet. In cyberspace, where expressions and mannerisms cannot be seen, even adults sometimes let their emotions run ahead of them. It is possible that the faceless chatting of the two girls amplified the emotional discord between them.

Ascertaining the everyday emotional condition of the assailant, including parent-child relations, and clarifying what triggered the tragedy will greatly help to prevent recurrence of a similar incident. Whenever something like this happens, education officials emphasize the importance of conveying to children the preciousness of life. This time, Education Minister Takeo Kawamura responded with the statement that "the starting point of education is teaching that life must be treasured."

But there is a limit to which this lesson can be taught with words. Almost certainly, those children who have committed murders have understood, in words, the importance of human life. But children watch news about Iraq, for example, and know that many precious lives are being lost every day. Life then looks very cheap indeed. Teaching the preciousness of life in words proves to be an extremely difficult task.

One common underlying characteristic of youngsters who commit assault is a strong feeling of self-denial. They are isolated and convinced that they are not worth loving. It is rather difficult to tell people who do not love themselves that they should be compassionate toward others. If one does not know one's value, he or she is not going to understand the value of others. And he or she is not going to think about the lives of others. The line between injuring oneself and injuring others is wafer-thin.

There seems to be an increasing number of young people who get caught up in the feeling of self-denial. On the same day of the incident in Sasebo, a fifth-grade elementary-school girl in Hyogo Prefecture committed suicide by jumping from her apartment building. According to the government, 123 youngsters of elementary, junior high and senior high-school age committed suicide in fiscal 2002. Schools and parents should give careful thought to the rule that the shortest route to safety is to give warm and thoughtful support to their children.

The Japan Times Weekly
June 19, 2004
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