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UPDATE: Saturday, June 12, 2010      The Japan Times Weekly    2004年5月8日号 (バックナンバー)
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May 8, 2004

Limits to good intentions



The government was right to reject the demand from Islamic hostage-takers last month that Japan withdraw its troops immediately from Iraq. That resolute response was supported by most Japanese, boosting Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's popularity ratings. Yet, as security in Iraq continues to deteriorate, more and more people appear to be getting uneasy about the troop deployment.

Opinion polls show high levels of public support for Japanese efforts to help rebuild Iraq, but that support does not automatically translate to endorsement of the deployment. The hostage crisis highlighted the perils of doing peaceful work in a country at war, prompting many to question anew the wisdom of sending the Self-Defense Forces to a combat zone.

The security situation in Iraq flies in the face of U.S. President George W. Bush's triumphant statement a year ago that "major combat operations" were over. Japan has sent about 550 troops to southern Iraq, based on a government analysis that the region was "relatively safe." The dispatch is supported by a majority of Japanese, yet the public mood could change quickly if troops suffer casualties.

The rising death toll among U.S. troops is a tragic reminder of how things are worsening in Iraq. According to Associated Press reports, 115 soldiers died in April, the highest number of deaths for a month since the war started more than 13 months ago. It is hard to escape the impression that the U.S. military is getting drawn into a quagmire.

It appears that the Japanese ground troops, stationed outside central Samawah, are exposed to increasing danger. In early April, a mortar shell exploded not far from the camp; although the perpetrator remains a mystery. On April 29, two more shells exploded several hundred meters from the camp.

The government's assumption that the place was "relatively safe" -- a principal reason for sending non-combat troops to Iraq -- looks increasingly tenuous, and so does its definition of the term "non-combat zone." The official position, however, remains unchanged: SDF members are deployed in a region free from "combat action" (presumably excluding minor attacks that do not result in casualties); therefore, they will carry on with their mission.

The law mandating humanitarian and reconstruction aid for Iraq says troop activity will be confined within areas that are "currently not in a state of combat and are deemed unlikely to be in a state of combat throughout the entire period of activity." Obviously, the wording is meant to ensure conformity to the "pacifist" Constitution, which puts severe restraints on the use of force abroad.

Meanwhile, a growing number of Samawah citizens are taking a critical look at the SDF presence, according to local media polls. The enthusiastic welcome displayed earlier this year seems to have simply evaporated. Polls taken by three newspapers in March and April found that 51 percent of the residents questioned in Muthanna province, including the capital city of Samawah, were unhappy with the troop dispatch.

That is unfortunate since the SDF contingent is there to support humanitarian and reconstruction efforts, such as purifying water, providing health care, repairing schools and hospitals, and supplying security-related equipment like patrol cars. If residents are unhappy, it is probably because the security risks are causing delays in aid activities.

It is likely that the anti-SDF sentiments reflect attempts by militant groups, including those that kidnapped five Japanese nationals, to discredit Japan's troop contribution. These groups apparently see the SDF in the same light as the U.S.-led occupation forces. Should the uprisings against the occupying forces spread to other regions, the Japanese troops could find themselves in harm's way.

The SDF mission, its peaceful objective notwithstanding, is not winning as much sympathy and support from Iraqi people as it should. The sad reality in Iraq is that the forces of destruction hold sway over the forces of reconstruction. The task for Japan is to maintain and promote the good works while making a careful study of the situation.

The Japan Times Weekly
May 8, 2004
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