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UPDATE: Saturday, June 12, 2010      The Japan Times Weekly    2004年4月3日号 (バックナンバー)
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April 3, 2004

Last resort to protect privacy



During the past few weeks Japanese media have made much of a privacy issue involving the eldest daughter of former Foreign Minister Makiko Tanaka. It started with an article in a popular weekly describing the daughter's private life. Responding to a request from her lawyer, the Tokyo District Court issued an order suspending the sale of the magazine. The publisher appealed to the Tokyo High Court.

The issue would not have caused such a stir were it not for the fact that the daughter is a member of a famous political family. Her grandfather is the late Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka, one of the most powerful politicians Japan has produced since the end of World War II. Her parents are members of the Diet. A story about the divorce of a woman with no such family pedigree would hardly make a "scoop."

The question here is old, yet new: Where should society draw the line between protection of privacy and freedom of expression. It is a difficult question, especially when it involves Draconian action such as banning a publication. In the latest case, the difficulty has been compounded by the fact that the article in question deals with a person whose mother is a popular politician.

The court order is based on a 1986 Supreme Court ruling that supported an injunction against a journal that carried a defamatory story about a candidate for public office. The ruling said such an order could be issued against any publication that contained false information, served no public interest or threatened to cause serious personal damage from which the victim would find it extremely difficult to recover.

It should be noted, however, that the current case is different from the above case in two respects. First, the ruling dealt with a libel suit filed by a politician. Second, the plaintiff is a private citizen who has nothing to do with politics, although she was born into a distinguished political family.

Regarding the first point, the district court ruled that damage from privacy invasion is potentially more difficult to recover from than character defamation. On the second point, it concluded that the daughter's privacy should be protected because her private life is not a subject of public curiosity. According to the court, the Shukan Bunshun weekly carried an "exclusive" report in its March 25 issue on the daughter's divorce and other aspects of her private life "in a way that would fan readers' curiosity and threatened to give her a serious psychological shock."

The publisher, Bungei Shunju, criticized the injunction as "abnormal," saying it "suppressed" freedom of expression. Its appeal was based on two arguments: first, that the article has public interest because the daughter may someday follow in her mother's footsteps, and second, that there was little practical sense in halting publication because most of the 770,000 copies involved had reached newsstands and bookstores when the court order was issued.

The "public interest" argument seems untenable, because the daughter is a private citizen who has a right to be "left alone." It is an exaggeration to say that she is a public person because she may enter politics someday or because her mother was a popular foreign minister.

The Tokyo District Court's injunction against Shukan Bunshun is a wake-up call not only to the magazine but to other weeklies hungry for gossip. The warning comes against the backdrop of an increasing number of privacy suits that have been filed recently against magazine and newspaper publishers. This attests to the growing importance being attached to the right of privacy in Japanese society.

The danger, though, is that freedom of expression may be unduly restricted in the future if the latest precedent is readily followed. It is quite unusual for a court to order a temporary halt to a magazine's publication. It should remain so. Such blanket action will deny readers access to other legitimate articles in the issue involved if an injunction is fully enforced.

The challenge is to harmonize privacy protection and free speech. The question is whether the district court was right to ban the publication of an article that appeared to contain little that would necessitate such a drastic step. This should be a measure of last resort that can only be taken with utmost caution.

The Japan Times Weekly
April 3, 2004
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