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UPDATE: Saturday, June 12, 2010      The Japan Times Weekly    2004年3月27日号 (バックナンバー)
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March 27, 2004

Burden of Kanebo bailout



Following weeks of tortuous bailout talks that put the notion of corporate governance to shame, the government's Industrial Revitalization Corp., unveiled March 10 a huge rescue package for Kanebo Ltd., the troubled cosmetics firm that has looked like a rudderless ship. What lies ahead is a hard battle to revive a corporation in which hundreds of billions of yen in taxpayer money is at stake.

The bailout plan calls for the creation of a new company to succeed the profitable cosmetics division. This is intended to make things easier for the rump Kanebo -- an assemblage of underperforming operations, including textile and food divisions. A broader revival program involving all Kanebo operations is expected to be completed by mid-May.

The immediate task for the IRC is to assess Kanebo's assets, excluding those of the cosmetics division, by rational and rigorous standards. The need for reform demands that Kanebo management and creditor banks shake off any sense of complacency that may have contributed to the failure of the nation's second-largest cosmetics company.

Kanebo is a victim of its pride. As part of a vaunted strategy dubbed "Pentagon management," the company built a far-flung conglomerate dealing in cosmetics, textiles, food, home products and drugs. But only cosmetics have generated profits on a sustainable basis. An ingrained attitude of mutual dependence has driven the company into a tight corner.

Kanebo's more recent behavior has revealed a lack of insight. Initially, it tried to sell its cosmetics business to Kao Corp., a leading maker of sanitary and cleansing products. That seemed to make good business sense, but the plan backfired when the union balked. So the company asked for help from the IRC but offered no quid pro quo: It would neither accept a management changeover nor request debt relief from creditor banks.

That was asking too much. Predictably, Kanebo executives came under heavy fire and resigned en bloc. They could have taken a more respectable exit strategy. Kanebo is yet another case of corporate governance gone awry because of management mistakes.

The revival plan put together by the IRC comes in two phases. First, the cosmetics division will be transferred to a new company. Its price tag, which the agency puts at ¥380 billion, falls short of Kanebo's expectations. That ought to be expected, though, for it is natural for public auditors to evaluate private assets under more stringent rules.

The new company, to be capitalized at ¥100 billion, will be owned 86 percent by the IRC and 14 percent by Kanebo. In all, the agency will provide ¥366 billion in public funds -- the largest amount committed for a company. The sum breaks down to ¥280 billion in loans and ¥86 billion in capital.

Why spend so much money on a profitable cosmetics business? The simple answer is that the crown jewel of Kanebo should be separated from weak operations to facilitate the revival process. This is where the plan's second phase comes in: asset assessment of all the remaining operations. The idea is to shake up laggard branches while keeping the fast-track brand image of Kanebo cosmetics intact.

To succeed, the entire plan must be supported by creditor banks. Debt forgiveness seems unavoidable. Kanebo's new management must accept sacrifices. Likewise, the labor union cannot have its cake and eat it, too. Shareholders must feel part of the pain. In short, the burden of the bailout must be shared.

That said, the IRC needs to review its role. It started out in April 2003 as a provisional body to bail out insolvent but potentially strong companies. Its main purpose is to help rehabilitate corporate patients by taking over a chunk of the debts they owe banks and other financial institutions. These debt-buying operations are due to end in March 2005.

So far, the IRC has come to the rescue of more than 10 companies, of which Kanebo is the largest. By and large, the IRC's performance has been lackluster. The IRC owes the public a full accounting of why it has decided to help Kanebo, a company of little public-interest nature, and how it will do so.

The Japan Times Weekly
March. 27, 2004
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