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March 13, 2004

Lapses in halting avian flu outbreak



The recent outbreak of avian flu at a large chicken farm in Kyoto Prefecture, has come as a shock -- not only because of its magnitude but because it has exposed glaring lapses in epidemic prevention. In both respects, it is far more serious than the previous two cases that hit earlier this year in Yamaguchi and Oita prefectures.

Chickens at the farm -- one of the largest in Kyoto -- began dying in large numbers Feb. 20. More than 133,000 died. But the operator firm, Asada Nosan, did not inform health authorities for reasons that suggest willful negligence. The epidemic was confirmed Feb. 28 after officials inspected the site, acting on an anonymous tip that chickens there were dying en masse.

Furthermore, Asada Nosan sold 15,000 live chickens to slaughterhouses at the end of February before testing began, and some of the birds are thought to have spread the virus at one or more of the processing centers. The shipments, made well ahead of schedule, raised questions about the firm's business ethics; it reportedly was trying to "empty the farm of sick chickens" by selling those that were alive.

Avian flu outbreaks -- and any viral epidemics, for that matter -- require basically the same steps to prevent their spread: early discovery and quick containment. In another words, speed is of the essence. Asada Nosan made a grave mistake by failing to report the outbreak for as long as a week, increasing the risk of infection far and wide.

The case in Yamaguchi, discovered in mid-January, was the first bird flu attack in Japan in 79 years. Since then, chicken farmers across the country presumably have taken a variety of precautionary measures. But Asada Nosan was evidently not among them. Apparently concerned more about profit than safety, it tried to minimize losses by clearing its live inventory.

The firm's reporting failure could constitute a violation of the law governing infectious diseases that affect livestock. The law requires farmers and veterinarians to report immediately any case of bird flu infection, either real or suspected. The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries is empowered to take disciplinary and other actions, including bringing criminal charges, against offenders.

Asada Nosan says it did not report the deaths because it suspected an outbreak of enteritis -- not avian flu. This explanation won't wash. Since few vets in the country have firsthand knowledge of the disease, it is reasonable to suspect an outbreak of bird flu when a large number of chickens start dying. The firm should have reported the outbreak immediately. Then it should have stopped all shipments, perhaps for a week or so, until tests were completed.

The three outbreaks in Japan, including the small case that occurred in Oita Prefecture in mid-February, are thought to have originated from different sources. This raises the disturbing possibility that the deadly virus may be hiding in other parts of the country. Equally disturbing, some routes of infection will likely remain a mystery, as is often the case with investigations of viral infections.

As the avian flu pandemic continues to sweep much of Asia with no end in sight, the big challenge for Japan is to stop the spread in its tracks. Otherwise, the virus could spread to much of the country. Although no one in Japan has been found infected, there is no assurance that bird-to-human transmissions will not occur in the future. In Vietnam, it is reported that two-thirds of the more than 30 people who became infected have died.

For a start, health checks should be conducted on all workers at chicken farms and processing facilities nationwide. In the case of Asada Nosan's Kyoto farm, it is urgent that an estimated 200,000 chickens be disposed of safely, including those that have died. Dead chickens, unless properly treated, could be a source of infection.

There are no reports, in Japan or abroad, of people becoming infected from eating chicken eggs or meat. Experts point out that viruses die at temperatures of higher than 70 C. Which means that consumers should not panic. For all the potential risks posed by avian flu, food safety is not immediately endangered.

The Japan Times Weekly
March. 13, 2004
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