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Noda Cabinet (Formed September 2, 2011)
Toshio Ogawa

Date of birth: March 18, 1948
Party: Democratic Party of Japan
Electoral district: Upper House; Tokyo (third term)
Secretary general of the DPJ's Upper House caucus, Ogawa served as senior vice justice minister for a year to last September under close ally Prime Minister Naoto Kan.
A Tokyo native, Ogawa has had a somewhat high-profile career in judicial and legal affairs. After graduating from Rikkyo University and passing the bar in 1970, he became a judge in Shizuoka Prefecture and a prosecutor in Tokyo.
He left public service to become a lawyer in 1981.
Since entering politics in 1998, Ogawa has chaired the farm committee and some of the other standing committees in the Upper House.
When the DPJ was still in the opposition, Ogawa was the justice minister in the party's shadow Cabinet.
He is an advocate of banning corporate donations for politicians.
Subsequent changes