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UPDATE: Saturday, June 12, 2010      The Japan Times Weekly    2009年8月15日号 (バックナンバー)
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Japan needs more foreigners

The letter from R. Alexander (Aug. 1 issue) urged me to write. As he mentioned, there's no merit to Japan limiting the influx of non-Japanese people. I wonder how anyone can learn to be an "international" person without people who have a foreign background living in Japan, even as the government encourages Japanese people to be international.

Also, it's common sense that Japan's economy cannot grow without immigrants any more. Although I don't like this expression because it sounds like treating them as products, the idea is the truth.

Sadly, many young Japanese people in my generation don't know the facts. I hope the government and Japanese people change their attitude toward foreigners.

TAISUKE KOMATSU, Kanagawa Prefecture

Apollo missions spurred imagination

The article about Apollo 11 (July 25 issue) reminds me that I saw it in science class in junior high school. After the great visit to the moon, an accident happened during Apollo 13's mission. That rescue story is also as great as a lunar landing.

I forget where it was in the film or books that people in the control center in Houston were discussing the rescue plan, but the engineers were using a slide rule. When they have something to calculate regarding engineering matters, they used it to show the crew how to solve the problem. I used one in college. What an old tool they use!

Nowadays, we understand that Apollo brings us a lot of things, not only technical ones but also passions, a challenging spirit and the abilities we have.

It is really great and fantastic!

KAZUYOSHI IGA, Aomori Prefecture

Heroes, not Jackson, make me happy

I didn't like reading through the Michael Jackson special issue (July 25) because I'm not a fan of his.

Indeed, he had amazing flair for dancing and singing, but his way of life was so eerie that I can't understand him. He was suspected of molesting children, though he was proven innocent.

It's sad that I didn't read a variety of articles as usual last week. I was looking forward to glancing at sports news such as the British Open that Ryo Ishikawa participated in and the world's top cycling race, the Tour de France, and Lance Armstrong's return. These heroes will make me far more comfortable and happier on sweltering days.

MIEKO OKABE, Kanagawa Prefecture

Parents need to support children

Your July 25 issue focused mainly on Michael Jackson. Although I am not a fan, I read the various articles with interest.

For the first time, I saw how cute and handsome he was as a young boy. Being so famous already and conquering the world with his genius, how could he change his attractive looks into that of a frightening specter and thus gradually destroy himself? If the reason behind the dissatisfaction with his face was the overly strong power of his father, there is a lesson all parents can learn from his tragic and untimely death: Give your children plenty of self-confidence regarding their looks, no matter how they measure up to what the media and the public dictate!

KATHARINA OKANO, Chiba Prefecture

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The Japan Times Weekly: Aug. 15, 2009
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