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UPDATE: Saturday, June 12, 2010      The Japan Times Weekly    2008年9月13日号 (バックナンバー)
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Mounting political turmoil damaging democracy and economy in Thailand
(From The Japan Times Sept. 6 issue)



Enough already! Thailand's Prime Minister Samak Sundarvej has been virtually under siege since taking office. His political opponents charge that he is a proxy for deposed Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra and demand his resignation. Mr. Samak has refused to give in and appears increasingly isolated.

The problem for his opponents is that the prime minister was lawfully elected, and it is the demonstrators that show no respect for democracy and the rule of law. Their refusal to accept defeat or to believe in a government untainted by politics, undermines their arguments and does their country a disservice.

Mr. Samak came to power when his coalition prevailed in national elections held in December. Those elections were designed to return the country to civilian rule after a military coup in September 2006 forced Mr. Thaksin from office. The official rationale for the coup was charges of corruption and disrespect for the monarchy — both of which may be true — but the real motivation was fear among Bangkok elites that Mr. Thaksin's populism was undermining a political system that entrenched their status and authority.

The military then wrote a constitution that institutionalized its power, won ratification of the charter from the public and then held national elections. Remarkably, Mr. Samak, who during the campaign promised to continue Mr. Thaksin's policies, won that vote and held on to his majority despite legal challenges after the results were in.

Undaunted, the opposition People's Alliance for Democracy fought on, dismissing Mr. Samak as a mere placeholder for Mr. Thaksin, charging him with being a republican — i.e., desiring to end the monarchy — and vowing to run him from office. Daily protests began in late May.

At the end of August, thousands of protesters broke into the government compound and occupied the grounds. The unrest has damaged an economy that relies on tourism for 6 percent of GDP, and has scared off investors. The stock market has fallen 23 percent since May.

We were no great fan of Mr. Thaksin when he was in power and condemned his abuses. But the Thai people have made clear their desire for a democratically elected government, one that reflects the will of the majority. That will was thwarted two years ago and a similar process appears to be under way today.

The Japan Times Weekly: Sept. 13, 2008
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