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UPDATE: Saturday, June 12, 2010      The Japan Times Weekly    2008年2月16日号 (バックナンバー)
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Entrance exam season blues
(From The Japan Times Feb. 10 issue)



Entrance exam season is here again. All over the country, students hoping to enter universities are showing their ID cards, sitting down at desks and answering question after question. The hope and anxiety of many young people and their families, not to mention that of their teachers and principals, is palpable throughout the country. The exam results determine the direction of people's entire lives.

That said, the exam system has been changing, and generally in positive directions. Significant steps taken in recent years are beginning to reform this pivotal educational dilemma. As the total number of students has dropped ― and many simply refuse to suffer through a system they find meaningless ― universities have had to respond with changes of their own.

Already, most schools offer more than one route into their classrooms. Students can now choose between AO (admissions office) exams, school recommendations, and self-recommendations with essays and interviews. The exam schedules have been loosened as well, making it somewhat easier to try again after failing one exam. Individual departments have obtained more leeway to create distinctive types of exam. The domineering system of the past has become somewhat flexible and slightly more human.

However, the power of the entrance exams to determine educational priorities has not diminished. High schools and cram schools still teach with tests in mind, and probably always will. As a result, the exam has the power to spur improvements in education faster than any government initiative.

When the exams change, high schools and cram schools have to immediately modify their methods to best help students prepare. By creating exams based not on rote memorization but instead on higher order thinking, problem-solving skills and written expression, they can powerfully affect how, and why, students cram for their exams.

This may not reduce the overall level of anxiety, but at least it will encourage longer-lasting values than test-taking tricks.

The Japan Times Weekly: Feb. 16, 2008
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