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UPDATE: Saturday, June 12, 2010      The Japan Times Weekly    2007年10月27日号 (バックナンバー)
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Japan should take care over next move on North Korea
(From The Japan Times Oct. 17 issue)



For the second consecutive time the government has extended its economic sanctions on North Korea another six months from Oct. 14, citing no progress on the issue of the abduction of Japanese nationals by Pyongyang. Although the extension was unavoidable, the government needs to prepare for its next move given the rapidly changing situation surrounding North Korea.

In the latest round of six-party talks on North Korea's nuclear-weapons programs, the North agreed to "disable" its 5-megawatt experimental reactor and two other facilities at the Yongbyon nuclear complex, and "provide a complete and correct declaration of all nuclear programs" by Dec. 31. Japan must consider how it should respond should North Korea follow through with its promise. In such a case, other members of the six-party talks are likely to ask Japan to extend assistance to North Korea. Japan must determine whether it can reject such a call by citing a lack of progress on the abduction issue.

During the second round of normalization talks in September, Japan said it would sincerely deal with the issue of atoning for its 1910-45 colonial rule of the Korean Peninsula. While not making any concessions on the abduction issue, the North refrained from saying that the issue had already been resolved and agreed that it could be discussed if a trustworthy bilateral relationship was established. Another round of talks was held in mid-October.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Il recently declared that he would observe Japan's situation under its new leader. At a time when Tokyo and Pyongyang are sounding out each other's next move, the government must consider and prepare for every possible new development.

The Japan Times Weekly: Oct. 27, 2007
(C) All rights reserved

政府は14日付で、日本人拉致問題をめぐる交渉が進展しないことを理由に、北朝鮮に対する経済制裁を6 ヵ月延長した。一方、北朝鮮の核開発をめぐる6ヵ国協議で、北朝鮮は12月末までに寧辺の実験炉を無能力化し、全ての核開発計画に関する情報を提供すると約束した。



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