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UPDATE: Saturday, June 12, 2010      The Japan Times Weekly    2004年5月22日号 (バックナンバー)
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May 22, 2004

Just making ends meet



There is something fuzzy about the May 11 Lower House vote on the pension reform bills. The package was supported by the governing parties, the Liberal-Democratic Party and New Komeito. But the opposition Democratic Party of Japan approved only a proviso that calls for the integration of the complex pension system. The DPJ is opposed to the government-sponsored package, which it sees as inimical to its proposal for an integrated system.

The three-party agreement says a subcommittee will be created in both houses of the Diet to review the social security system, including the issue of pension integration. The panel is to "reach a conclusion" by March 2007, but there is no guarantee that it will decide in favor of integration; nor is it clear exactly what integration means.

The pension debate remains confused and the public is growing uneasy over where it will lead. Adding to the unease is the failure of Diet members, including Cabinet ministers, to pay into the obligatory national pension fund. About the only certainty is that the package, expected to pass the Diet by mid-June, is designed to make ends meet by raising premiums and reducing benefits over the long haul.

What needs to be done to jump-start a more constructive pension debate? For starters, the lingering pension scandal -- which has led to the resignations of two political leaders from their respective government and party posts -- should be resolved. For that, all members of the Diet should come clean by publishing their records on premium payments.

The scandal has made two things clear. First, many legislators were unfamiliar with the national pension program, which applies to all Japanese citizens of working age. Second, the program is financially bankrupt because premium revenues are falling far short of pension payouts. Two reasons are given for this: the growing number of retirees and the high level of premium defaults.

Premium defaults among Diet members represent the tip of the iceberg. Statistics show that nearly 40 percent of working-age people, including the unemployed and self-employed, do not contribute to the fund. The pension fiasco, however, has exposed a special privilege enjoyed by legislators, who receive annual pensions of more than ¥4 million for 10 years of service. By contrast, national pensions amount to less than ¥800,000 a year even if premiums are paid for 40 years.

The sense of unfairness seems compounded by the fact that corporate workers, civil servants and private schoolteachers have their pension premiums withheld at the source. So there is no way they can skip their payments. This means that they are effectively making up part of the shortfalls in the national fund. Their burdens will rise if defaults widen.

That is a serious flaw in the fund, yet many Diet members do not seem seriously concerned about the problem. Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi seemed to echo the sentiment among legislators when he said, "If you don't pay premiums you won't get pensions." That is obvious, but what does he think of the fact that there are so many people who just don't pay premiums?

At this rate, the government may find it impossible to pay pensions as promised. The practice of collecting premiums only from those who are able or willing to pay, such as workers on payrolls, no longer suffices. Something must be done about those who default on payments.

This is a question that should be addressed by the planned pension subcommittee. Of course, there are other questions that need to be thrashed out to build a better, fairer pension system. Legislators can and should take the initiative by setting an example: by paring their privileged pensions and incorporating them in the pension program for either corporate employees or civil servants. The idea is to equalize premium rates and benefit levels with those of private and public workers.

Scrapping the privileges may be difficult given the special status of Diet members, but joining these funds would help lawmakers understand better how ordinary citizens feel about life in retirement. It might also help induce the vast numbers of delinquent contributors to change their minds.

The Japan Times Weekly
May 22, 2004
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