The Japan Times Online

A selection of some of The Japan Times' most memorable front pages.

japan times japan times japan times

Japan Times
Mar. 22, 1897

The Japan Times Extra
Feb. 12, 1904

The Japan Times
Sept. 7, 1923

japan times japan times japan times

The Japan Times & Mail
Jan. 26, 1924

Japan Times & Advertiser
Dec. 8, 1941

Nippn Times
Sept. 9, 1951

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Nippon Times
Mar. 6, 1953

The Japan Times
Nov. 24, 1963

The Japan Times
Oct. 11, 1964

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The Japan Times
Jan. 19, 1969

The Japan Times
Nov. 26, 1970

The Japan Times
Aug. 14, 1985

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The Japan Times
Jan. 8, 1989

The Japan Times
Nov. 11, 1989

The Japan Times
Jan. 18, 1995

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